3 Reasons Your Kids Will Thrive in Barefoot Shoes
Considering what type of footwear is healthiest for your child? We give 3 reasons kids thrive in barefoot shoes and 6 easy action items you can take to help your children maintain healthy feet as they grow!
7 Best Eco-Friendly Barefoot Shoes
What is Zero-Drop and Why is it Important?
Do Barefoot Shoes Really Cause Injury?
Can I go Barefoot if I Have Flat Feet?
Many people wonder, if I have flat feet, can I still go barefoot? While most podiatrists will say you shouldn’t, this post dispels the myths that float around regarding flat feet. They’re not a life sentence and yes, they can even be developed with a little work!
7 Activities to do Barefoot This Summer
A Shoeless Childhood is a Happy (Healthy) Childhood
Should You Wear Toe Spacers?
A short guide for getting the most out of your toe spacers, and how they help manage foot pain, improve balance, strength, and circulation.